Food For Love prepares and distributes meals for those in need in the Upper Clutha area looking after nominees that find themselves in need of a little help. In our communities we see struggles with cancer, mental and physical illnesses, separation and divorce, injury, tragic events, poverty and domestic harm, as well as COVID-19 redundancies.

Food for Love provides home-cooked meals delivered free of charge to recipients for as long as needed. Often the recipients of these meals have no family support in the area.

The demand for Food for Love’s services has grown significantly since inception in 2016. An estimated 6,760 volunteer hours of work are donated annually from 186 volunteer cooks and bakers with 4,568 ‘client meals’ assisted in the past year. As a result in 2021 the organisation employed a coordinator to oversee the daily running of volunteers and nominations.

Community support for Food for Love has been strong and along with the in kind goods and services provided by a number of businesses and individuals, some capital items have also been donated including a chiller trailer (from the Rotary Club of Wanaka) and a delivery vehicle (from the Hugo Trust).