Record number of nominations for Central Lakes Trust election


Nominations closed for the Central Lakes Trust elections with a record number of candidates putting their name forward for election to the board.

“25 candidates from across the central lakes region have been nominated to stand for the board,” says Chief Executive, Susan Finlay.  “Since the commencement of the trust in 2000, there has never been a larger number of nominees.”

The Board of Central Lakes Trust will be comprised of five publicly elected trustees alongside three appointed trustees.  The term of office is three years and the maximum period a trustee can serve is nine years.

“This year will see considerable change in the board members for the trust, as four of our trustees are mandated to retire, having served on the board for nine years, and another opts to stand-down, leaving five community-elected board positions to be filled,” she says.  “The last time a large number of trustees were mandated to retire was back in 2010, when 21 candidates stood for election. Comparatively 14 stood in 2013, and 12 in 2016.”

“With plenty of nominees to choose from it will be the community’s turn to step up and have their say on who they would prefer to represent them and serve on the trust for the next three years.  It shouldn’t be taken lightly either,” she says.

The trust plays an important role in our community, having distributed over $99 million back into the community through grants to charitable causes since its inception in 2000. It has assets totalling over $388 million driving an annual grants budget of approximately $9 million.

The following persons have been nominated as candidates for the 2019 Central Lakes Trust triennial election of trustees:

BREEN Lindsay                                                HOLDEN Dave
BRENT Steve                                                   JEFFREY Stephen F
CHRISTIANSEN Glen                                       KEY Raymond
CONROY Joanne                                             LEPPER Tony
COULL Alan                                                     MAWHINNEY Russell
DEDO Kathy                                                     MCINTYRE Hugh
DYKES Cam                                                     MCKONE Bernie
GILLIONS Carole                                              MCLACHLAN Giselle
GILMOUR Cath                                                MCPHERSON Martin R
HAMMINGTON Tony                                        RUSSELL Brent
HAWKINS Jan                                                  SUNDER Rajeev (Reg)
HILL Rosie                                                       van der VOORT Louise
HOCKLY Katharine

The election will be held under the First Past the Post electoral system using postal and internet voting. Voting will commence on Thursday 31 October and will close at midday on Friday 22 November 2019. Voting documents will be mailed to all qualified electors between Thursday 31 October and Tuesday 5 November 2019.