Wanaka does well out of Trust funding round

“It was a busy couple of months for Wanaka’s charitable causes, with several applying for support in our November and December funding round,” says Susan Finlay, newly appointed chief executive.

While the Wanaka Community House received support of $1.4m million, other recipients for November include the Wanaka Golf Club with support of $18,000 towards resealing its car park, and $44,000 towards the Wanaka Residents Association, Bullock Creek Stream Boardwalk.

The project will restore the wetlands adding native planting and make the area accessible to all with a 330metre long boardwalk and gravel pathway connecting the Western suburbs to Stone St along the lakefront.

While December grants see the Upper Clutha Clubrooms receive funding for the community space in their new multi-purpose clubroom facility, “This is the first cog in a very large funding wheel, for the $800,000 project,” trustees Mike O’Connor, Deans Hudson, and Nick Thompson announced.

While Wanaka Yacht Club will receive funds towards sail and rescue equipment for a Youth Development programme which introduces children to sailing. As well as the Wanaka Preschool Childhood Centre receiving support towards solar panels and heat pumps for the facility.

“The amount of applications for grants is a sign of the significant growth in the Upper Clutha region and the need for additional resource to support it,” says Susan.

The funding round also sees Central Otago Education Centre receive funding support to promote its service loaning resources and equipment to schools in Otago and Southland.

“The service is an alternative to schools purchasing the equipment, and offers particular value to smaller rural schools providing interactive education kits, robotics materials, science equipment, books, educational games and multi-media tools to hire rather than purchasing.”

“It ensures all our young children get the opportunity to utilise the same resources,” says Susan.

Alexandra Bapist Church receives $155,000 for renovations to the aging facility.

Central Lakes Trust Grants Programme and Policy Manager, Vicci Lawrence, visited the building and confirms that the rooms are very degraded, and in a bad state of repair. “Renovations will assist the church to connect more effectively with the wider community, and provide a comfortable and multi-functional meeting space for the church and other community groups,” she says.

The Sport Otago swim schools programme which sees primary school children throughout the Central Lakes Trust region receive 10 swimming lessons annually will again this year be made possible by the support of Trust and other partners, says Sports Central regional coordinator, Bill Godsall.

The programme which is a joint initiative between Central Lakes Trust, Sports Otago, CODC, QLDC and the schools in the Central Lakes Trust region.

“Supporting safety in and near the water by teaching our children water safety skills and to swim, is a wonderful use of the Trust’s funds,” says Susan. 

During the last three years the programme has transitioned from traditional swimming strokes to the Water Safe NZ, Water Skills for Life syllabus. The aim is to improve each child’s confidence and ability to survive in the water.

The Trust which approved a multi-year grant for three years including this upcoming 2018 year will increase its funding support the regional growth in school roles. Exact funding will be confirmed once the school rolls for the 2018 year are known.

The 2018 Lake Hayes annual A&P Show, to be held on Saturday 13th January, receives support towards infrastructure costs.  “Nowadays additional expenses are incurred to put on the event, due mainly to increased compliance costs to manage and produce a professional safe event, we are a very grateful and proud of the grant we have received from Central Lakes Trust towards these costs,” says secretary of the Lake County A&P Society, Pip Norton.

The Cromwell Combined Churches Trust receives support of just over $2,000 towards Bibles in schools for the Goldfields Primary School 2018 manuals and workbooks.

 “The Trust’s annual grants budget is $6.3m and the latest rounds of grants takes the total approved for this financial year to almost $5.6m” Susan says.

Any new applications for funding will be reviewed at the trust’s next meeting to be held in February 2018.