Trustees approve almost $1m for new Roxburgh Pool

Roxburgh Pool chair Sally Feinerman and CLT grants manager, Mat Begg at the Roxburgh Pool to be redeveloped

Roxburgh Pool chair Sally Feinerman and CLT grants manager, Mat Begg at the Roxburgh Pool to be redeveloped

Central Lakes Trust, whose trustees visited the dilapidated Roxburgh pool in late March, last week granted $920,766 towards bringing the new Roxburgh pool to fruition. 

Grants Manager Mat Begg says, “Roxburgh desperately needs a modern, safe swimming complex where kids can have fun and learn to be safe in the water and everyone can swim or participate in aquatic exercise.  Sixteen years in the making, Roxburgh can hopefully look forward to a new public swimming pool sooner rather than later.”

Chair of the Roxburgh Pool Punawai Ora 'Safe Water' Incorporated, Sally Feinerman says, “We have had a core committee that have worked really hard to get this project off the ground.  The community is really keen to see this project happen. This grant means that we are actually going to get a new pool. It is very exciting.”

Ms Feinerman notes the current pool is 89 years old and has served the community well. Thanks to a small, dedicated group of volunteers the old pool has been available for public use over the past nine summers, but it has reached its use by date. “The pipework and plumbing is beyond repair, the boiler doesn’t work, the solar panels are unusable and it leaks like a sieve,” she says.

Ms Feinerman adds, “We greatly appreciate CLT’s significant commitment. Coupled with our other funding, including CODC’s $500K, and Ida MacDonald Charitable Trust’s $200K, we are about 70% there. We are really keen to raise the rest of the money we need and get on with it. Ideally, we would like to start building this summer.”

Construction of the proposed new Roxburgh pool will be built on the current site, at the rear of the Roxburgh Area School with the new facility being pushed out onto what is road reserve to accommodate the 25m - four lane main pool, plus new change rooms, office space, plant room, as well as dedicated learners and toddlers pool with a beach access. 

“The $2.5 million project will be a fantastic community asset for young and old and a draw card for holidaying families,” she says.

A total of 18 grants were approved in the Trust’s second meeting for the financial year. Among recipients was Dunstan Hospital to receive $180,000 making up Central Otago Health Incorporated’s shortfall for new x-ray equipment, including a mobile x-ray machine and a replacement fixed machine.

“COHINC Chairperson, Tracy Paterson says, “The current technology has become out of date and we could no longer get replacement parts. CLT’s grant ensures we can update the technology and for this we are extremely grateful.  COHSL CEO, Kathy de Luc, added that if we didn’t replace it, patients requiring publicly funded x-rays would need to travel further afield to either Queenstown, Dunedin or Invercargill for their x-rays. It is with the continued support from organisations like CLT, individual and club donations and COHINC that we are able to continue to provide quality care to the community.”

Food for Love who prepare and distribute meals for those in need in the Upper Clutha, are first time recipients of Central Lakes Trust funding.

Mr Begg says, “The service has been running since 2016, but increased demand has meant they needed to bring on a paid employee to coordinate the service.”

Presbyterian Support Southland receive support of $76K towards costs associated with running their Buddy and Supportlink Programme throughout the Wakatipu area.

Since the Trust commenced 21 years ago, it has returned over $124 million back into the community.  A total of $6.24 million of the $9.60 million grants budget for the 2021/22 financial year has been allocated to date.

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See all Grants Approved in this funding round